Full-featured all-in-one Calendar and ToDo List. Scheduled task are shown in calendar views as well. An automatic interchange of tasks and information about their completion via sms and email.In fact, calendar events are always concerned with tasks to be fulfilled. There is no sense to keep in a calendar an event, if you are not going to do something with it, i.e. to join functionality of both applications seems the right way to proceed.
- month, week, day, agenda and hierarchical task list (todo list) views;- tasks can be “scheduled” (will be shown on each views) or “unscheduled” (will be shown only on the task to do list view). After scheduling the task will appear in calendar views;- task hierarchy (todo things hierarchy);- flexible full-customized filter on the following fields: code, name, date, responsible, executor, status, category, description, due date, release date. Possible conditions: =, <>, >=, <=, >, <, “contains the substring“, “doesn’t contain the substring“, “in the list”, “out of the list”, “in the interval”, “out of the interval”;- saving and using of pre-saved filters, e.g., to filter according to an usual condition: “Category = Project 1”, “Status <> Completed”, “Date = during the week”;- sorting of tasks (todo list);- tasks’ group editing, e.g., to postpone some tasks to another date or change a category or an executor for them;- interaction of tasks and information about their completion via sms or email with a listed contact or arbitrary phone numbers/emails;- accounting of time consumed to processing of tasks. Time consumed is entered with linkage to a category or a particular task. Saving in CSV and presenting in a diagram. Customized filter on category or/and date;- Improved date picker that displays a whole month to choose a date;- notifications;- export/import to/from android calendar;- export/import databank to/from XML;- defining background and text colors for categories;- Toodledo synchronization.
Keywords: todo, ToDo list,To-Do list, task, Calendar, get things done.
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